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Accomplishment man!
Wednesday, May 28, 2008 at 2:52 AM
Sup Sup man!

I've been busy, real real busy! I had like 5 projects to be handed in for checking and feedback this week! Thank God for pulling me through and granting me all the strength I need. :)

I must say, I enjoyed all the project meet-ups! It's so fun getting to know your new mates more. & I got really close to Sammie, Agnes and Ming yan, of course not forgetting our sissyboy, Bernard. Hahaha! & through these projects, you really can see those who are willing to put in effort for projects and those that are not. I cannot say everybody is perfect, but showing your perserverance and your that i-will-try-my-best attitude is more than enough. Somehow, there were disappointments of mates not performing that. I won't pin point people here because that's not my point.

My first meet-up was for CMSK1 with Agnes and Ming Yan. So the PowerSEA girls-Sammie, Alicia and I arranged to meet up at Mac at bedok. Wooooo, we did our poster. A GREAT EFFORT by everyone! Hahhaa. & i did the planning for role play. Hahah. & we thought of this rewinding part where we need to show the right and wrong actions of our role play. Seriously, I laughed a big load with Samantha's retarded actions, Alicia's lame jokes, Ming yan's randomn ideas and Agnes laughter! & we were all saying that we should join OLTC. & we were like, how will Agnes be presenting herself in front of her freshies. Due to her being very softspoken and quiet, being an OL, the qualities are to be enthusiastic and motivating. Agnes can be motivating, but the enthusiastic partttt.. leaves us to imagine and lead us to picture this funny scene of her telling everyone to cheer. It's totally weird and hilarious! Hahaha.

After CMSK1 meet up, went with Ali & Qian to Waterside to play bball. Met an uncle from church I think, he looks soooo familiar. But im forgetful, can't remember him! Ooops. Basketball was fun lah! We all played full court. Drains my energy, but exerciseeeeeeeeee--the feeling was great! Girls against guys. 20-21. Ahhhh~lost by a point. Hahaha. But I was perspiring like crazy like as if I just bathed or something! Anyway, before CMSK1 meet-up, I went to swim with Xiao Yi for like an hour. Woooo, the feeling is shiok ah! After I swim, I feel so relaxed and niceeeee. :D But just within this hour, I got tanned! Painful after that but SHIOK. Shiok Shiok version. hahahhaa.

Next was my meet up with my CARC & IISO group members, the PowerSEA girls again, Meng Qi and Bernard. Wooooo, I was late because my aunt was willing to fetch me to Alicia's place for our project. :) So alicia ordered pizza for us. She's a nice host! & we started our project. I must say, we were really playful for a period of time because we couldn't stop fidgeting and just sit there not moving to just do our projects. Some actions must take place. So, we all got hyper-ed up! Really really hyper-ed up! Everybody was so tickled, randomn, lame, hyper and crazy! We kept laughing the whole time.. seriously, I can go for this Guiness World Record for laughing so much in a day lah! BUT, it still comes down to work and when it comes down to work, we ARE serious in doing it! Im feel so accomplished because we did a great job in all our projects! Even though there is always this dread feeling that hey I still have projects to finish, but the sweet randomn motivation from friends really encouraged me so much. :) Thanks people.

I feel so united with my Magnificent 7 now! Haha. Magnificent 7 is called by Patrick, our care person. We were always in this group of 7-Alica, Bernard, Harald, Samantha, Sebastian, Shi Kang and me. Hahaha. So togethernesssss~ WE would always enter class as this group of 7. Hahaha. So now, we're the Magnificent 7 togethernesss. :D Cool man.

Today, was like the submission of most of the projects. Wooohoo, this burden feeling has soon got off me! Thank God for that! :) & I feel at ease now because most of the feedbacks my lecturers gave was POSITIVE :D heeeee, soooo happyyy! & it boosts my self-confidence as well. Im motivated, WOOOO~ sud sud eh~ WDS was super fun today! I got to know Miss Peggy better lah. She was always showing this fierce look like keeping her pride and have-to-show-respect face to us. & because of that, most people are not really liking her lessons. But nowwww, I see her true colours. She's very niceeeeeee, lame and randomn at times! hahaha. She got Azlan to stand at the glass and stare at the lecturer opposite our class. HAHAHA. superrrr funnay! & she really was showing me, her soft side. She isn't what she is when we first seen her. She's easy going actually and it's fun talking to her!

Woooooo~ IISO was the best for me! Ok, presentation slides, I admit, not well done job but at least our group did it. We were the only group who manage to present because the rest of the other groups didnt do their presentation at all! Woooooo, gooodddd members like Sammie. She always updates us on the things from ole or from tp's website. She's always so updated and well-informed. :D So our presentation needs to be improved! & so the rest started to do their presentation, last minute. But at least they did it :) During Shi Kang's group presentation, I went to draw the Magnificent 7 with Agnes, Ming Yan and Azlan in it. Hahaha. Some were really funny when the saw what I drew. Their reactions made me laughhhhhhh so muchhhhh! Hahaha. Check it out later~

I think Im a fanatic in notebooks from Artbox. Their notebooks are pretty, creative and makes you so attracted to it. But the notebooks are pretty girly. Haha. Unless you like bernard! hahahaha. Went for dinner with my Magnificent 7 except Shi Kang :( But, it turn out to be one word FUN. Hahahah. Sammie kept giving all the lame remarks, bernard kept shooting rubbish out from his mouth, Alicia kept making funny comments and her stupid laughter! hahaha. & me, as usual, LAUGHING & LAUGHIN & LAUGHING. It's never a tiring job for me. But I was feel soooo tired after laughing because my energy's like all used up for laughing. Hahaha. We had really really lame jokes. Headed down to Popular to get our pensssss. Sammie calls it the pen hunt. But i call it the PowerSEA girls pen hunt. Hahaha. We came up with this PowerSEA girls thingy during APEL lessons. We had to do on this topic called Self-Confidence. & Sammie started thinking of the Powerpuff Girls.

She was like,
Sammie:Eh we can be called S.E.A leh
Emzxz:OH?! (Azlan's Oh) Eh ya ahh. ( with Desmond's hand movement of flow)
Emzxz:Eh we can be called the PowerSEA girls!
Sammie:*shows a weird stare at me* LOL, also can.

& we started it. Just like that! hahahaha. Retartedness~ yes, i know. But who cares?! Hahaha. So went home like at 9pm! Woooooo. Tired but I enjoyed the company and fellowshipping. It's great to feel so motivated among friends and united as well. I love that feeling! Magnificent 7, you guys rock!!! & I stoneeee. Okkkk, randomn-ness.

& I had my basketball togetherness with Ed, Jovi, Gavin, Est and Didi. Haha. One word, "FUN"!!! :) & this part of Jovi and Me planning to buy drinks with $2.30 really got me laughing again. Ok, I shall tell you the whole story. Here it goess.. Amelia, Est, Didi and Gavin went to the polyclinic because my sister was having some serious problem with this pain on her thighs. Don't know what's wrong but it hurts alot! Then people left were, Ed, Jovi and I. So Jovi and Ed decided on a basketball match against me. Both of them against me. CAN YOU BELIEVE IT! They are such bullies lahhh. hahaha. okok, kidding. I only had to score 1 goal and they have to score 11 goals. Please note that Jovi is around 1.80m ++ tall and Ed is 1.7-1.8m++ tall. & IM 1.58M TALL! You will be thinking like, how am I gonna win these two tall freaks lah! Soooo, the most tyco thing ever, happened to me. I scored with a tyco shot. HAHA. & so I wanted a forfeit and that is to make both of them run around the basketball court for 5 times. They agreed but only for the second game. Before they even manage to defend me, I scored from the 3 pointer shot again! & they have no choice but to abide this time. GUESS WHAT?! They didn't lah. They were like, owe you first. Next game next game. Okkk, since I was high in tyco luck I played on and true enough, I scored again for the third time! HAHAHA.

But the thing is JOVI DIDNT RUN AT ALL AND ED JUST RAN ONE ROUND AND THAT WAS WHAT THE FORFEIT WAS. :( hahaha. but it's really really funny! Then I played Man Jiang with Jovi. So i decided on the points we had to hit. It was 60 points. By that time, I had 49 points and Jovi got 39 points. Then Ed wanted to join in. But I was discussing a forfeit again for the loser. I was telling Jovi to do 50 pumpings. & he told Ed in secret that he would just show me his two palms and palm for 50 times. HAHAA. so retarded right? Ed was like laughing lahhh. Soooo, nvm. Then I changed my phrasing but not knowing what he told Ed. I said, "50 push-ups lah. Can lah." This time he cannot do the palm thingy because I specifically said 50 PUSH UPS. Some person, not up to it say he cannot. Hahha. Then he said,

Jovi:You got any coins?
Emzxz:I think don't have.
Jovi:Ok, we play right if we lose the loser must treat the winner to a drink. Since we got to coins, you have to rob, steal, beg, whatever to get coins to buy the winner drink.
Emzxz:Siao, cannot lah! You think whatttt..
Jovi:Wan play not lah?
Emzxz:Don't know leh. If you really go do that, then Im ok with it.
*Ed walks in and says*
Ed:Eh I want to play
Emzxz:You know what retarded suggestion he give?
*Tells him Jovi's idea for forfeit*
Ed:Siao. If we play right, I will win one leh
Emzxz:Ok, you win right, then I dont need do forfeit, Jovi do k?
Jovi:*shows surprised face*yr head lah! where got like that?
*everybody laughs!*
Emzxz:I think I don't want to play lah.

hahaha. So we stopped. Jovi had 60 cents and Ed had no coins. Then i said, eh, i think i have coins lehhhh but also like don't have. So i went to check.. INDEED I HAD $1.75. hahahaah. Jovi was like wah lao eh, like that no need to discuss the forfeit already what! hahah. So Jovi and I went to get drinks from the vending machine nearby. Ed was at the bball court.

I was telling Jovi, we must plan plan properly before we buy drinks if not, it isn't fair if we just drink ourselves and leave Ed out what. Then he say ok, so we went under the void deck, sat there and brainstormed! LMAO. For a full of 5 minutes, we planned, with $2.30 how are we going to get 3 drinks when most of the drinks are all $1 and the packet drinks are 60cents each. So i suggested:

Emzxz:We get 2 chrysanthemum packets and 1 canned Ice Lemon Tea ah. Ok?
Jovi:Ok ah, cannn.

So we went up to the machine for the packet drinks. & we were so blind to not see it before we started our planning because what was displayed from the vending machine was, "SOLD OUT" Ahhhhhh~ we were dumb enough to sit there and assume that there were packet drinks ok! Hahaha. So we started planning again. This time we could only get 2 canned drinks. Because one canned drink cost $1 and the cheapest we could get was a 90cents drink. Jovi wanted his orange, I wanted my Ice Lemon Tea, but Ed... we couldn't think of how to seperate the money. So Jovi was like,

Jovi:Aiya, we just buy 2 can drinks lah, dont care him

Emzxz:How can like that.. We so selfish lor just drink ourselves.
Jovi:Ok lahh, but i want my orange.
Emzxz:Selfish pig lah u! hahahah
Jovi:Ok ah, we get orange ah.
Emzxz:Ok.. Then mine how? I want Ice Lemon Tea leh.
Jovi:Then you get lah.
Emzxz:But Ed?
*brainstorm session again*
Jovi:Ok, we each let him drink our drink like 1/4 of it. Then like that we will drink 3/4
Emzxz:Anything lor.
Jovi:But like that he drink 2/4 which means is half leh.
Emzxz:Uh huh.
Jovi:But so weird, how come he drink ours about 1/2, we still got 3/4 each left?!
Emzxz:*LAUGHS LIKE MAD* what the heck! Why you think of thissssssss?!
Jovi:Hahahhaha. Don't know lah, or we drink finish all here then don't give Ed.
Emzxz:Don't so bad lah

So we made our way back there. & we told Ed the whole story! Hahahah. He laughed so much lah! Then Jovi asked Ed, "You want to drink not?"

Ed:I very full leh, later lah.
*Jovi heard the I very full leh but not the later lah part.*
Jovi:Wah lao, then like that we plan so long for what sia?!

Then after a while, Ed ask Jovi for his drink because we mentioned to him that he can drink our drinks.

Ed:Eh I wanna drink yr orange.
Jovi:I tot u say you very full?
Ed:I say I drink later right?
Jovi:You got say meh? I dint hear leh.
Jovi:I finished my drink already. HAHAHAHA

Omgosh, how retarded can this be? It's soooooooooo hilarious. I laughed until I can roll on the floor man! hahaha. Basketball-ing with them was really really fun :) hahhaa. had a great time to destress too! :D Got to know Jovi, Ed and Gavin better too! Of course, bonding time with Didi and Est. & Im missing Fel so much now! :( Hope she would hurry come back to Singapore and we can go play basketball with her. :D

& to buddy, thanks for being so understanding and all. :) Appreciate it alot! Here's a toast to our friendship. *TOAST* LOL. But really, I wanted you to understand how busy I was and I was quite upset that you don't understand my point. But Im happy things are cleared now. Sorry for neglecting you. Holidays are coming. Meet up soon k? :) JIAYOU FOR GOD AND TAKE CARE MY F.I.C! Ask me again if you wanna know what that means. God bless! :D

Take care everybody. I shall take my leave now. Got to study for my exams this coming week. Full week of exams so I'll update again when I feel like it! :) JIAYOU C191 DUDES AND BABES! :D JIAYOU BUDDY! JIAYOU ED for your running! JIAYOU MEIMEI for everything! JIAYOU TO EVERYONE WHO NEEDS MY JIAYOU! :D hahaha. Ciaossssssss~

Some pictures to entertain you :)

Look at the finger. Extra Jovi lah!

Bernard going for concert and it's our first time seeing him in SKINNIES! Looks damn weird!

Look at Samantha's gong gong face! hahahaa.

Omgosh, SISSY bernard after the PowerSEA girls performed our hairdo skills
At Giant the other time! hahaha. retardedness.
Ali, she looks like a turtle! I don't know why i said that :D
This is SIAO CHAR BO! :D
HAHAHA. Sammie with this guy from STAR WARS. I forgot his name. Al something i think.

Today's drawing during IISO. :) Magnificent 7 starring MingYan, Agnes and Azlan in it! :D
Azlan eating SHIO BA!
Sissy Bernard's pose!
Sebas acting sissy with Ali's bag.
MOST RANDOMN OF ALL, Didi.. when he's sleeping. HAHAHA Shhhh!

That's all folks!
